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Client receiving Ketamine treatment at Luna Mindful Infusions

Ketamine Therapy

What is Ketamine Infusion Therapy?

Ketamine infusion therapy is a cutting-edge medical treatment in which ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic, is administered intravenously at sub-anesthetic doses to address various psychiatric and chronic pain conditions. Historically utilized as an anesthetic in surgical settings, ketamine has garnered significant attention in recent years for its potential rapid-acting antidepressant effects, especially in individuals with treatment-resistant depression.


The intravenous delivery allows for precise control over the drug's dosage and rate of administration, ensuring that patients receive an optimal therapeutic dose while minimizing potential side effects. During the infusion, patients often experience a temporary altered state of consciousness, which can facilitate deep introspection and cognitive shifts. When conducted in a controlled clinical environment, under the guidance of trained medical professionals, ketamine infusion therapy offers a promising avenue for those seeking relief from certain persistent mental health and pain challenges.

Drawing showing alignment with the moon

How Does Ketamine Work?

Geometric Shapes under a Full Moon

At a molecular level, ketamine primarily acts as an antagonist of the NMDA receptor in the brain. This action leads to a cascade of neurobiological events, including the release of neurotransmitters and the stimulation of synaptogenesis, the formation of new synaptic connections. This enhancement of neuroplasticity, or the brain's ability to rewire and adapt, plays a crucial role in its therapeutic effects. Additionally, the altered state of consciousness induced by ketamine can foster a detachment from one's typical patterns of thinking and perceiving, allowing for a deeper, more objective examination of emotional and cognitive processes.

Why Chose Ketamine?

Opting for ketamine therapy can be a transformative decision for many individuals, especially those who have found little relief with traditional therapeutic modalities. 


Rapid Results: Unlike many antidepressants, which can take weeks to show effects, ketamine often yields noticeable improvements in mood and outlook within hours to days.


Neuroplasticity: By promoting brain adaptability, ketamine offers a unique opportunity for deep-rooted change and healing.


Break from Traditional Patterns: The altered consciousness experienced can help break the chains of ingrained thought patterns, offering fresh perspectives.


Holistic Healing: When combined with psychotherapy, ketamine can address both the biological and psychological facets of mental health challenges.


With growing research and anecdotal evidence supporting its efficacy, ketamine therapy presents a promising frontier in the world of mental health care. However, as with all treatments, it's essential to consult with medical professionals to determine its appropriateness for individual circumstances.

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Colorful Moon Phases

The ketamine journey can be mapped coherently onto the cyclic phases of the moon, offering a holistic framework for understanding its progression. At Luna, we encourage 4 phases in your journey: preparation, infusion, processing, and integration.


1. Preparation aligns with the New Moon - a time of setting intentions, much like the preparatory steps taken to ensure a successful therapeutic experience.


2. Infusion parallels the First Quarter Moon - symbolizing growth and action, mirroring the active phase of receiving the ketamine treatment.


3. Processing resonates with the Full Moon- a period of reflection and clarity, as one delves into understanding the insights and experiences from the infusion.


4. Integration correlates with the Third Quarter Moon - emphasizing the importance of grounding and consolidating the insights into one's daily life, ensuring long-lasting benefits.


By synchronizing the ketamine journey with the moon's phases, individuals can leverage natural rhythms to enhance their therapeutic experience.


Image of New Moon
Image of New Moon

Just like the New Moon signifies new beginnings, the onset of ketamine therapy marks the start of a new journey. Patients begin with a clear intention - to find relief and healing. This phase in therapy is about setting the stage for the transformative experience to come. The New Moon phase is characterized by darkness, symbolizing a blank canvas. It's a time for introspection, setting goals, and planting seeds for what we wish to manifest.


Set Your Intention

Setting an intention is a mindful exercise that helps anchor one's focus and channel energy towards a desired outcome or state of being. To set an intention, start by finding a quiet space, free from distractions. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, grounding yourself in the present moment. Reflect upon what you truly desire or need, whether it's clarity, strength, patience, or any other aspiration. Visualize how achieving this would feel, and distill this vision into a clear, concise statement. This statement becomes your intention. Once articulated, repeat it to yourself, either silently or aloud, and allow its essence to permeate your thoughts and emotions. By doing so, you're not only acknowledging a goal but also aligning your subconscious mind to act in harmony with that aim. Over time, revisit and reaffirm your intention, using it as a compass to guide your actions and decisions.


Eat Clean

Prior to undergoing a ketamine infusion, it's essential to create an optimal internal environment to maximize the therapeutic benefits and minimize potential adverse reactions. Eating clean, comprising whole, unprocessed foods, ensures that the body is not bogged down by additives or heavy meals, allowing for a clearer, more receptive physiological state. Hydration is equally crucial; a well-hydrated body can better process the ketamine and aid in overall cellular function. Conversely, consuming substances like alcohol, benzodiazepines, or marijuana can alter or interfere with the ketamine experience. These substances may affect the brain's neurotransmitter systems, potentially diminishing the effectiveness of the infusion, or leading to unpredictable reactions. By maintaining a clean diet and avoiding these substances, individuals set the stage for a safer and more effective ketamine journey. On the day of the infusion, avoid heavy meals. Opt for a light meal a few hours before the procedure to prevent nausea. Drink ample water before your session, but avoid excessive liquids immediately prior to reduce the need for restroom breaks.


Post-Session Planning

Post-ketamine session planning is integral to harnessing the full therapeutic potential of the treatment. Following an infusion, individuals often experience a heightened state of introspection, sensitivity, or emotional vulnerability. As such, it's crucial to prepare an environment that fosters reflection, comfort, and safety. Planning for adequate rest is key, ensuring the body and mind can process the experience without the strain of immediate responsibilities or decisions. It's also beneficial to have a trusted individual, be it a therapist, friend, or family member, to debrief and discuss any insights or feelings that emerged during the session. Since the effects of ketamine can linger, arranging for transportation home without the need to drive oneself is essential. Moreover, setting aside quiet time in the following days to meditate, journal, or engage in grounding activities can further facilitate the integration of the ketamine experience into one's daily life.




Image of Half Moon
Image of Half Moon

As the moon grows in illumination, the First Quarter phase embodies the spirit of taking action. It's about building momentum, facing challenges, and pushing forward. setting intentions in the initial stages of ketamine therapy, this phase is about active participation and engagement in the treatment process. Patients might start to notice changes, confront past traumas, or face the discomfort that often comes with growth. 


Conscious Engagement

Maximizing the benefits of ketamine infusions requires active engagement during the sessions. As ketamine is believed to promote neuroplasticity, the brain's innate ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections, it provides a unique window of opportunity for therapeutic interventions. The adage "neurons that fire together, wire together" underscores the concept that repeated neural activation can strengthen connections between neurons. Therefore, during an infusion, it's beneficial to consciously direct one's focus towards positive, healing thoughts and emotions, or revisiting and re-framing traumatic memories in a safe environment. This conscious engagement can harness the brain's heightened neuroplastic state, potentially guiding neural pathways to form healthier patterns. By setting clear intentions, actively participating in the experience, and possibly integrating guided therapeutic techniques, individuals can optimize the potential of each ketamine infusion to reshape neural connections in more adaptive ways.


Meditation & Mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness are powerful practices that center on cultivating present-moment awareness and fostering a deeper connection with oneself. By grounding oneself in the present, these techniques help in quieting the mind, managing stress, and enhancing overall well-being. During a ketamine journey, integrating meditation and mindfulness can be particularly transformative. The heightened introspection and increased neural plasticity induced by ketamine provide an optimal backdrop for beginning or deepening these practices. As patients navigate the profound emotional landscapes unveiled during their ketamine sessions, mindfulness serves as an anchor, aiding in processing and integrating experiences with clarity and intention. By starting or intensifying meditation and mindfulness practices in tandem with the ketamine journey, individuals can synergistically amplify the healing potential of both, paving the way for holistic well-being and enduring personal growth.


Image of Half Moon


Image of Half Moon

At its fullest and brightest, the Full Moon is a celebration of the harvest - a time to acknowledge achievements and also release what no longer serves us. Midway or post-therapy, patients can recognize and celebrate the progress they've made - whether it's newfound relief, clarity, or emotional release. Simultaneously, it's essential to acknowledge and let go of any residual pain or negative patterns, embracing the healing journey's duality.


Acknowledge & Release

Ketamine therapy offers a profound space for introspection, making it an opportune moment to both recognize our achievements and let go of burdensome attachments. Within the therapeutic milieu created by ketamine, individuals often gain heightened clarity on their life's journey. This clarity provides a unique vantage point to acknowledge personal accomplishments, big or small, and celebrate the resilience and growth that they signify. Simultaneously, this environment facilitates a deepened awareness of beliefs, behaviors, or past experiences that have become impediments to one's growth. Recognizing these allows for a conscious release, shedding what no longer serves a purpose or supports well-being. By actively engaging in this dual process of acknowledgment and release during ketamine therapy, individuals can catalyze transformative shifts, moving forward with a lighter heart and a clearer sense of purpose.


Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) is an innovative approach that combines the psychotropic effects of ketamine with the therapeutic potential of psychotherapy. Unlike traditional therapeutic models, KAP leverages the altered state of consciousness induced by ketamine to access and process deeply buried emotions, traumas, and memories. As ketamine promotes neuroplasticity, the brain becomes more malleable during sessions, facilitating deeper introspection and the potential for profound shifts in cognition and emotion. In this receptive state, trained therapists can guide patients through targeted therapeutic interventions, allowing them to address and reframe past traumas or entrenched beliefs. The synchrony of ketamine's neurobiological effects with therapeutic guidance provides a unique and potent avenue for healing, often achieving breakthroughs that might take years in conventional therapy settings. If you're interested in KAP, we will help match you with the right provider for your sessions. 



Embarking on a ketamine journey is a profound endeavor, often revealing deep-seated emotions, memories, and insights. Working alongside a therapist during this process is paramount for several reasons. A therapist provides a safe and structured environment in which patients can unpack and interpret the often intense and multifaceted experiences elicited by ketamine. These revelations, while potentially transformative, can sometimes be overwhelming or confusing when navigated alone. A skilled therapist can guide individuals in processing these experiences, helping them discern meaning, establish connections, and integrate newfound insights into their daily lives. Moreover, the therapeutic alliance — the trusting bond between patient and therapist — acts as an anchor, ensuring that individuals feel supported, validated, and understood throughout their ketamine journey. In essence, a therapist acts as both a guide and confidante, essential for maximizing the therapeutic potential and holistic integration of the ketamine experience.

Outline of Full Moon


Outline of Full Moon

As the moon's light wanes, the Third Quarter phase prompts us to wind down, release, and prepare for a new cycle. It's a period of introspection, reflection, and rejuvenation.

As therapy sessions conclude, it's a time for patients to reflect on their journey, process their experiences, and rest. This phase emphasizes the importance of integration - understanding and assimilating the insights gained during therapy to ensure long-lasting benefits and preparedness for future challenges.


Build a Bridge

Integration is the deliberate process of weaving insights, revelations, and experiences from transformative sessions, like ketamine therapy, into the fabric of one's daily life. It's the bridge that connects profound episodic realizations to sustained personal growth and well-being. After ketamine therapy sessions, the mind often brims with fresh perspectives, emotions, or memories. To successfully integrate:


1. Journal Regularly: Documenting feelings, thoughts, and insights helps in understanding and retaining the depth of the experience.


2. Seek Professional Guidance: Engage with a therapist or counselor skilled in integration to help process and interpret the nuances of your journey.


3. Mindfulness Practices: Meditation or reflective practices can reinforce the connection with the self, aiding in assimilation of experiences.


4. Join Support Groups: Sharing and listening to others' experiences in integration circles or support groups can offer valuable insights and camaraderie.


5. Set Aside Quiet Time: Dedicate periods for introspection, allowing yourself to fully digest and reflect upon the therapy session's revelations.


6. Implement Behavioral Changes: Act on the insights you've gained, whether that means mending relationships, adjusting life goals, or adopting healthier habits.


7. Stay Patient and Kind: Integration is an ongoing journey; be compassionate with yourself as you navigate the challenges and joys of weaving your insights into everyday life.


Ultimately, integration ensures that the benefits of ketamine therapy sessions extend beyond the treatment room, creating lasting positive shifts in one's life.

Image by Joanna Kosinska
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