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A Roswell Veteran’s Experience with Ketamine Infusion Therapy

Ketamine infusion therapy is a promising treatment for PTSD and chronic pain. In this intimate interview, we hear from a U.S. Army veteran and member of the Roswell and Luna community, who openly shares his personal journey and insights on undergoing this transformative therapy.

Kathleen: Thank you so much for joining me today, Zach. I am truly grateful that you’ve agreed to share your personal journey with your community. To start off, could you tell us a bit about your time in the service and the nature of your duties?

Zach: Of course, I appreciate the opportunity to share my story. I served for 3 ½ years in the U.S. Army as a field artilleryman. My duties involved operating large howitzer cannons and various other weapons systems. I also did a year-long tour in Afghanistan, mainly focusing on convoy operations, which included security and logistics.

Kathleen: That sounds incredibly intense. When did you first begin to notice symptoms of PTSD, and how did they manifest for you?

Zach: I started noticing symptoms less than a year after I returned from Afghanistan. I was wrapping up my enlistment and realized that I still had this heightened sense of alertness and increasing anxiety in my day-to-day life. It all came to a head when I had a severe panic attack shortly after leaving the military. A few years later, I struggled with severe survivors’ guilt, losing five of my brothers in arms to suicide and overdoses within a few months.

Kathleen: I'm so sorry to hear that. Before discovering ketamine infusion therapy, what other treatments did you try, and how effective were they?

Zach: The VA prescribed me various anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications, but they didn’t seem to make much difference. I even tried to self-medicate with alcohol at my lowest point. Eventually, I found some relief with yoga and meditation, which led me to explore alternative forms of therapy.

Kathleen: That journey led you to ketamine infusion therapy. How did you first learn about it, and what motivated you to give it a try?

Zach: I started reading about psychedelics being researched for PTSD treatment on social media and came across an organization called VETS. They advocate for veterans interested in alternative therapies. After doing a lot of research on meditation and consciousness, I decided it was worth a try.

Kathleen: Can you describe what the process of receiving ketamine infusion therapy was like for you?

Zach: Sure, once the ketamine was administered and took effect, I immediately felt euphoric and as if I was leaving my body. I was in a state of complete freedom and peace, revisiting happy childhood memories. I did an initial six treatments over three weeks and have done occasional treatments as needed since then.

Kathleen: That sounds profound. How soon after the therapy did you notice changes in your PTSD symptoms, and how would you describe the magnitude of these changes?

Zach: The effects were almost immediate. The brain fog that had been hindering me for years lifted, and my anxiety in public places diminished significantly. It’s been a huge change; I’ve gone from struggling daily to waking up with a positive outlook, ready to fully engage in life.

Kathleen: From your perspective as a veteran, do you believe this therapy could benefit others with similar experiences?

Zach: Absolutely. I think ketamine infusion therapy should become mainstream for veterans suffering from PTSD. The side effects are minimal compared to many current treatments, and it offers a real chance at healing.

Kathleen: How has your daily life changed since undergoing the therapy?

Zach: My life has changed dramatically. I completed my treatment right before my son was born, and I can’t imagine going through that time with the symptoms I had before. I’m now able to be completely present in my son’s life and tackle each day with a positive mindset.

Kathleen: Looking ahead, do you anticipate needing more sessions in the future?

Zach: I think occasional "tune-ups" will be necessary to continue working through my experiences. Emotions and feelings are always a work in progress, and it’s important to stay proactive.

Kathleen: Finally, what advice would you give to someone considering ketamine infusion therapy?

Zach: Do your research, keep an open mind, and don’t be scared off by the word ‘psychedelic.’ This treatment works. And to my fellow veterans out there struggling, know that there is a network of people ready to help you get the support you deserve.

Kathleen: Thank you again for sharing your powerful story with us. Your insights are invaluable, and your courage is inspiring.

Zach: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my experience. If my story can help even one person, it’s worth it.

In this conversation, we’ve gained a unique perspective on the transformative impact of ketamine infusion therapy, particularly for those who have served in the military. The journey to healing is deeply personal, and as we’ve heard today, it can also be profoundly life-changing.

If this journey has inspired you and you're interested in learning more about what Luna has to offer, please Contact Us.



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